Forget About Goals, Find Flow Instead + Jan Meditations [Inner Friend #4]

Forget the new year goals. Find flow instead.

In the book "The Surrender Experiment" by Michael Singer, an American author and former software developer, after a mini enlightenment as a student, Singer dedicates his life to meditation, yoga, and “surrendering to the flow of the universe.”

Every time he faces a big decision or problem, when he feels fear, ego, and resistance creeping up, he practices “letting go” and “nonresistance, whether I liked what was happening or not.”

Rather than his imagined life of solitude and meditation, he built a meditation center, called "Temple of the Universe" and attracted a community of followers, and travelled to prisons to meditate with inmates. Out of small construction projects evolved a homebuilding business. Finally, he fell in love with programming and built a successful medical billing software company.

“I could see that the practice of surrender was actually done in two, very distinct steps: first, you let go of the personal reactions of like and dislike that form inside your mind and heart; and second, with the resultant sense of clarity, you simply look to see what is being asked of you by the situation unfolding in front of you.”
“As long as I made getting rid of myself my only goal, every situation was a fruitful experience.
I actually got more peaceful inside as I dealt with the ever-increasing magnitude of challenges. Life was molding me each day to become who I needed to be in order to handle tomorrow’s tasks. All I had to do was let go and not resist the process.”

January Meditations

In January, we'll be having three meditations on various themes.

Start 2022 Mindfully (Singles Event)

The New Year can be a good opportunity for reflection and connection - with yourself and others.

Join us at this guided meditation session to set your intentions and start 2022 by connecting with your inner wisdom. Organised by True Love Compass (UEN: 53432879B) and Inner Friend.

This event is for you if you are keen to gain wisdom about

  • Kicking bad habits you know are harmful to you
  • Improving yourself so you can attract the right people into your life
  • Finding a partner who you can clique and connect with

The session will include facilitated exercises on the following:

  • Reflecting on 2021 and turning your experiences into inner wisdom
  • Letting go of the negatives to feel lighter and happier
  • Connecting with yourself and observing what matters most to you
  • Setting intentions for 2022, and an action plan on achieving your life goals
  • Making new connections and sharing of ideas with other singles

Class Details:

Date: 9 Jan 2022, Sunday

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am

Place: 66B Race Course Road Level 3, Singapore 218570 (5 mins walk from Little India, Exit E)

Class limit: Only 12 seats available

Ticket Price: S$34.90 (recommend payment via PayNow to UEN: 53404890X)

​Your slot will only be confirmed by replying to this email and sending the payment via PayNow.

Purpose Meditation for 2022

Purpose Meditation for 2022

​Join us in this online live meditation on finding and connecting with your “Why”. Start the year strong by connecting to what matters most to you, in different domains of life like career, relationships, health, wealth etc.

Movement Meditation: Free Flow Dance into 2022

Movement Meditation

Join us in this Movement Meditation to connect with your heart, body, and mind.

​Why work on heart-body-mind connection? Because they’re inter-related. Your thoughts, feelings, mind, beliefs and attitudes can affect your actions and behaviours positively or negatively.

​By deepening your heart-body-mind connection, you’ll able to:

  1. ​Prime yourself to take actions, instead of relying on external inspiration and motivation
  2. ​Get insights on the potential challenges that you might face and take actions actively
  3. ​Gain the momentum to work through the obstacles, instead of giving up easily

Happy New Year! And may all your dreams and wished come true in 2022!

With Love,

Li Xuan

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