How to Discover Your Purpose + Manifestation [Inner Friend #5]

How to Discover Your Purpose

“We do not ask life what the meaning of life is. Life asks us, what is the meaning of your life. And life demands our answer.” - Viktor E. Frankl

Have you wondered what's the purpose and meaning of life?

After working for years, you've achieved your career goals and made good money.

On some days, you feel like a hamster, constantly running in the hamster wheel, chasing after your goals. When you achieved them, you feel that something is missing and you're don't feel as happy and fulfilled as you should be.

People around you think that "you've made it" and ask you don't overthink, but somehow you can't help to feel this sense of emptiness.

You wish that there is more to life, but you're unsure what's next and how to reach it.

These are some symptoms that your inner and outer life are disconnected. When you're aligned in both your inner and outer world, you'll feel alive, happy and fulfilled.

How we help ourselves and our clients to solve this issue is by listening to our inner voice, and discover our purpose and authentic self. We believe that everyone is unique, and the way to discover your purpose is to go with your natural flow and look inwards for the answers that are always there.

Here are two articles that we wrote on how to start discovering your purpose:

  1. How to Discover Your Purpose (Part 1)
  2. How to Discover Your Purpose (Part 2)

Please check out these articles, and let me know what do you think! :D

Manifestation Meditation for 2022

Manifestation Meditation for 2022

22 days have passed since the start of the new year.

​Do you feel that it’s difficult to manifest your goals in 2022? You feel that it’s tough to get started and to maintain the consistent effort that’s required.

​Do you feel sometimes it’s uncertain and you’re unsure of your next steps?

​Are you constantly stuck in your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs? Having self-doubt and imposter syndrome? Constantly feel that you’re not good enough?

​How can you reduce the obstacles and blockages in your manifestation work?

​Join us in this Manifestation Meditation to visualise your goals and clear the blockages through meditation, reflection, and the somatic* method.

*The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma” which means “living body”. In somatic method, we’ll help you to tune in to what your body has to “say”, rather than the logical explanation that your mind comes up with.

​After clearing the blockages, you’ll be able to:

  1. ​Strengthen the emotional connection with your vision, and align your actions with your vision.
  2. ​Gain clarity of what success and fulfillment truly means to you, and have a clear action plan to work towards your goals
  3. ​Break free from your inner obstacles like negative thoughts, fear, self-doubt and uncertainty
  4. ​Release limiting beliefs and negative self-talk
  5. ​Release old habits that no longer serve you
  6. ​Reduce the sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction from living a misaligned life
  7. ​Start being mindful of the process of manifesting. State of being, not just mindless state of doing. Able to be driven and focused yet flexible and open to changes.

Ideas for Content

We've been posting new content on our Blog, Instagram and Telegram. If you haven't already, please check them out!

And can you let me know what kind of content or questions you've? It'll help us to create content that's catered for you :)

With Love,

Li Xuan

💛Connect with us here: | Instagram | Telegram

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