It's the Time of the Year Again [Inner Friend #3]

It’s the time of the year again...

Many talk about new year resolutions, but most give up by February or March.

Life got “busy” and goals were forgotten. Or you tried, but you didn’t persevere because it was difficult. Or perhaps you lost motivation along the way.

What can you do to achieve your goals?

The best goals start with “Why”.

Once you know your “Why”, the “How” and “What” are easy.

Join us in this online live meditation on finding and connecting with your “Why”. Start the year strong by connecting to what matters most to you, in different domains of life like career, relationships, health, wealth etc.

Why meditation? Because all battles are first won or lost, in the mind. Meditation helps you to be aware of your unconscious thoughts. By aligning your thoughts and emotions, it makes manifestation work easier.

Here are some benefits of meditation:

  • inner peace, less stress and anxiety
  • more aware of the present moments
  • more resilient as you navigate challenges in life
  • make tough decisions easier. Example: quitting a job, starting a company, asking someone out, ending a relationship


Date: 8 Jan 2022, Sat

Time: 3 - 4.30pm (Live on Zoom)

Price: $18 (One-for-one promotion: You can give this meditation to a friend for free. Your friend must be a first-timer to qualify for this promo.)

Your slot will only be confirmed by registering below:

An email will be sent to your mailbox if you have signed up successfully.

If you've any questions, you can reply to this email.

Stay safe, and happy holidays :D

With Love,

Li Xuan

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